Cal Fire Chiefs have a good point regarding lack of USFS using night-time air drops using helicopters

Another case could be made by lack of ALL agencies not 'increasing" their night-time fire fighting when the weather temps drop and maxim gains are usually made on the line.

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Agreed, at this point with California and Canada using them, it seems that have been proven to be very effective.

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It’s good to hear that firefighter Shaw is Improving. There have been a lot head injuries this season l think maybe it’s time for the Forest Service to look into up dating head protection. And cut down the on severity of head injuries.

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Ive seen a few new helmet designs that look promising.

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Neil Gamboa, Del Rosa IHC, Bobby Garcia, Bear Divide IHC, Brian Fennessey, once with Kern Valley IHC, all former Hotshots. Sad to hear, all the politics and mud being thrown. I remember very many years ago, the Director (R-5) FAM was offered by CDF (Cal Fire). "You Forest Service, turn over all FF'ing resources over to us (CDF) and we will take care of all your fire management". There has been tension for way more than just a few years. Still love hearing about all the hurt feelings and politics, its understood that not much has changed. I worry most of all to the ground FF'ers emotional and physical health, even though I've been enjoying the Monterey Jazz festival.

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Yeah, it’s all very interesting seeing these former shots moving on to California county fire and still trying to work with the Forest Service in a meaningful way. For everyone’s sake I hope they can work out the issues to get these platforms working.

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Love the update, as always. Shoutout to your compliments and recognition for Brian Cardoza and Idaho City. I’ve talked with many Superintendents on many different fires over the years, there are some that think he is unsafe and dangerous. I’ve told those Supe’s you need to work that out with Cardoza. As you mentioned, He and his crew are one of the best!! Happy to share many great stories about Idaho City, back to the Russ Long days. Respectfully…..

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This weekend they really stepped up for the community of Boise.

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