
Another excellent Wake-Up. Thank you. Another beautiful well written letter from the chief, all a bunch of bullshit. My other half (non-fire) still works for the agency and is counting the days until retirement. You are correct, never getting anyone fired just “directed reassignment”. Hiring freeze, you can paint the pig any color you want, it’s still a pig.

Sorry about the crew robbery. That one was just one of many that made the news, so many don’t and are covered up.

Love to be in AK, my first 9 rookie jumps were in AK back in 1977’. Maybe they will break the number of jump records from then this year.

Bless all the bros and hotshots and the rest that protect our natural resources and mostly hoping you get your pay increase.

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Appreciate your hard work and passion TIM. Keep preaching ACCOUNTABILITY, so hard to buy while in the trenches witnessing such inefficiencies. Where can one share insider information for you? Doing my best to share your word and encourage subscriptions, seriously a Matcha is more that a month's worth! (You remind me so much of the legendary Dennis Morton out of R1)

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Hey Tim, give us a link to your article about the pay scales. I’m too lazy to do it myself 😎

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Tango Yankee brother

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No worries

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