Aug 5, 2022Liked by The Hotshot Wake Up

Today is the 73rd anniversary of Mann Gulch

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This was a really good one. Fired up to see someone with a platform finally having the stones to point out that the climate activists aren't actually environmentalists, and they're doing more harm than their ill-conceived "solutions" ever would, ironically. Kinda cultish, to be frank. Keep speaking the good word, and don't let the clowns get in the way...fire media is full of some of the biggest scumbags on earth. They cheer on the destruction, have ZERO knowledge of fire history, then blame everything on climate. And the PIOs and chiefs in the feds are frustratingly incompetent and secret squirrel about EVERY shred of public info...if I had a nickel for every time one of the fed PIOs insisted they're not a firefighting agency, but a "land management agency"...I feel your pain, homie.

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