Jun 20Liked by The Hotshot Wake Up

Tell it like it is! They should invite the Smokey Bear IHC to the event...for emphasis!

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Jun 20Liked by The Hotshot Wake Up


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Wish I could do more than call my congressman…. It just seems like a brick wall. Thank you much for your rant!!!! I just get the feeling it’s going to take more than another busy fire season.

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This is from: troop.dragonslayers@yahoo.com

Over a year The U.S. Senate, Natural Resources and Energy Committee held a hearing with all the federal wildfire agencies and land manager groups. It was on C-Span. The Senate wanted to dole out double digit Billions of dollars to address and fix the growing wildfire storm problem that was destroying so many homesteads, home and entire towns. Before they just threw money at the problem they wanted to know if anyone knew what to do about the growing problem. The reps all said they knew what to do with great confidence. The Senators asked exactly what was it that would fix the problem so that they would not just keep throwing money at the problem.

The reps or experts could not come up with any convincing plan other than thinning and pruning the forests to make them healthy again and add prescribed fire back to the land. The conclusion was nobody knew what to do. So the formed the Three Chair, 50 person group called the, "Wildfire Mitigation, and Fire Management Committee" . The three Chairs were Sec. of Agriculture, Sec. of Interior, and a Rep from DHS/FEMA. This Committee worked hard for over a year and delivered a proper, well worded final report, that was professional and all, but was a nothing burger in terms of a PRACTICAL SCHEME or Method to eliminate loss from all these world wide firestorms coming from climate change.

The facts are this is no longer a fire fighting issue, it really is a Homeland Security & Military Defense Situation. The Cohesive Strategy Group formed by the U.S. Forest Service and the BLM, cannot get beyond the, "Defensible Space", concept, and refuse to listen to a practical, systematic, military defense scheme, where the entire culture has to learn how to always have a prepared and practiced, physical ability to save their own holdings via not fire fighting, but rather become effective, wildfire MITIGATORS. This would entail both fire fighters, and interface dwellers who live in wild fuels from grass, to brush, to forests to be wildfire adapted and know how to live with fire and earn their survival, by knowing how to nutralize it's power.

This means fire fighters and citizens have to learn new skills and responsibilities and both groups start from scratch breaking free from total ignorance regarding skills of Mitigation. Fire fighters are harder to train in Mitigation than are house wives and teenagers, because they assume they know and are experts with fire. After all they go to easy fires dig a line around it and just know what to do.

With firestorms they think danger and safety and simply realize this is like nothing they can do and they evacuate just like common sense folks, and stand there with the folks who think the fire fighters should be down there protecting their homes.

Dragonslayers are the Company that developed the Wildfire hand tools that all the savy Hotshots and elite fire fighter are now using to make each fire fighter 3 times safer, 3 times more versatile, and 3 times more productive and effective. Dragonslayers developed a Mitigation procedure and simple safe scheme to allow fire fighters to better save life and property, and if they can't grow to understand and use it. Well it gives the home owner the ability to save their own holdings under the Darwinian concept, My Home, My Family, My Responsibility.

Climate change has given bad people and terrorists the great opportunity to destroy entire regions of our country. We have to militarily create an ability for each home owner to defend themselves from an aerial, coordinated, fire attack. A cheap, easy to orchestrate fire attack would be more effective than a nuke, because it would cover such a huge area.

A handfull of enemy agents can cross our open borders. Build a few ultra-light planed then just lie in wait for red flag fire conditions to show up over large areas of our various states. Preferably at night they launch and drop an ignition device every quarter mile, in a pattern perpendicular to strong regional winds. We cannot even handle one ignition start during strong winds, and high drought codes. We could do nothing about that sort of attack.

2,000 years ago a Chinese General wrote the "ART OF WAR". 13 Chapters covered the important matters those considering war should understand. Chapter 12 was, "FIRE ATTACK". His final warning was: " It is all well and good to know how to attack by fire, but it is imperitive to know what to do if you are attacked by fire". "Foreign adventures for security of state may prove necessary but the main purpose of an army is the protection of your own people and the state from attack".

We used genocide fire attacks against Germany and Japan, but with all our great minds in America, we remain ignorant regarding a mitigation scheme against natural, accidental, and intentional wildfire attacks.

Dragonslayers attempted to explain and warn contribute explain to the, "Wildfire Mitigation, and Fire Management Committee", a safe. systematic, and UNIVERSAL method of setting up critical sites so that they can be instantly converted into safety harbor areas. It is an option to revert to when it become obvious suppression will fail.

The Committee submitted Dragonslayers' ideas for a Universal Wildfire Survival Blueprint, and a Dragon Wizz Wheel, that is a 8", plastic tool, that shows the mitigator where to lay fire against the circular control lines on the Universal Blueprint set in against the home or town.

The Committee sent the idea and picture of the Wizz Wheel to the folks at NIFC, but they had no concepts of mitigation just initial attack and extended attack using the Incident Command and their only concept is "Defensible Space", for mitigation. So they had no idea that Defensible Space is only good when you have low to medium intensity fires, and lots of fire fighting resources at hand.

Light fuels around structures carrys fire faster and actually burns down critical sites quicker during strong or extreme conditions, so we are stuck with trying to convince we have prepare and set up to convert Defensible Space to Black Space. Thius is the direction we have to go toward.

After attending the IAWF Cohesive Stratgy Workshop in Santa Fe, N.M. last November, where they we not interested in anything other than "Defensible Space Dragonslayers put up a new web site:

wildfiretoolsmitigation.com. This better explains the only mitigation scheme that we know of. It tell the entire history of Wagner Dodges, "ESCAPE FIRE", Being combined with "Defensible Space, SUN TZU 's, military defense warnings, and Dragonslayers' Dragon Wizz Wheel to be all tied in together to result in an effective, systematic, and safe Mitigation scheme to a always ready option to revert to in order to save life and property.

Please get this to the right people.

troop emonds

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Man as always you're so spot on! Thanks for ALWAYS being "that guy"!!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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